Saturday, July 2, 2011

Give and take

I'm the world's most impatient person. I'm easily frustrated and distracted; like, I-probably-have-undiagnosed-adult-ADD lack of focus. But I am discovering reserves of patience and strength and understanding of which I was completely unaware.

Maybe that's because, in his tiny, helpless form, my small son is much like me. He doesn't understand the need for waiting politely, for wasting time, for logic and planning and rationality just yet. He's acting completely on his instincts and his biology.

I'm nowhere near as frazzled and harried as I expected I would be, given that he wants what he wants exactly when he wants it and he's not going to be quiet and calm until he gets it. So, as much as I am teaching him about the world and the need to 'wait your turn,' Baby Savant is teaching me deeper compassion, follow-through and (that word again) patience.