Thursday, December 10, 2009

Conservative Ideology Contradicts Self Again (and Again, and Again ...)

An interesting contradiction struck me at 2 am, when, frustrated by insomnia, I retreated to my office to tire myself out writing and cruising the Web.

Warning: sweeping generalization ahead.

The same folks that are so rabidly anti-immigrant (right wing, conservative xenophobes who want to build a wall, make English the national language and complain that undocumented immigrants are stealing 'their' jobs) are often the same shouting at the top of their lungs against government regulation and industry in favor of letting the free market do its thing. Invisible hand, yadda yadda. Can we agree on that? Okay.

But it makes no logical fucking sense whatsoever. Because that's what the free market does; rewards those who will work longer, harder hours for less.

If you can't hack it in a free market, sorry about your luck, shitbags. You can't have it both ways -- you want the government to protect your jobs by keeping out "the competition," but you don't want them to have any influence over the market? So, basically you only want the government involved in your life when it benefits you to the exclusion of others who are Not Like You.

It reminds me of a post I saw on Facebook a few weeks ago discussing the confirmation of this Letter to the Editor which appeared in a Mississippi newspaper.

In the letter, an ER doctor complains bitterly about a patient's lifestyle choices and questions why he should have to "pay for the care of the careless."

Because that's freedom, asshole. You can't espouse freedom and liberty for all, and then decide that certain human beings don't deserve it because they choose differently than you would. Oh, well, I guess you could ... if you were more interested in making judgements about a human beings' value based on their race, gender, sex, religion, sexual orientation ...

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