Sunday, August 2, 2009

Now What?

I haven't been writing much. Yeah, I said that in my last post, but this time it's not of my own volition. I finished my outstanding work for other clients, so now all I have in front of me this week is my once-a-week standing assignment for my Careers client.


Now what?

I need to start prospecting for other clients. That I can do this week. And I have a couple pitches I've been mulling over in my head that I might try to shop around to some 'mainstream' publications, just to see what happens.

And then, there's the Writer's Curse. At least, that's what I call it -- the absolute certainty that I have a New York Times bestselling novel inside me just waiting to flow from my fingers, get picked up by a major publisher and sell a couple hundred thousand copies. I've been thinking about this for awhile. The premise is the story of a family by turns torn apart and brought together by mental illness, violence, betrayal and ultimately, redemption.

Sounds intriguing, yeah? I'm far enough away from it now that I can see it more clearly, and the emotions are not as raw as they used to be. Maybe I can do this. I know how to put together a book proposal. I have some contacts at various houses that could be useful. It could even be -- dare I say it? -- fun.