Sunday, June 7, 2009

Busy as a Bee

I've been incredibly busy. This is a good thing. I haven't been getting paid in a timely fashion, which is decidedly NOT a good thing.

I recently was offered new work from my employment site client that, on top of the average $600 a month I bill them, would amount to my billing an additional $2,000 month. Hells yeah. I'll take it.

I finished a big project for Major Technology Firm, which they said they loved. And yet, I've haven't gotten paid for the last two pieces I wrote for them, which they also said they loved.

Up to this point, I've had steady work that was easy to bill and simple to keep track of. Now, with more clients, more overlapping projects and new opportunities popping up, I need a system, a software program, something to help me keep track of when I billed whom, when I was paid, if I were paid, etc.

Tomorrow I'll write my requisite 500 words and then I'll get to nagging non-paying clients to find out where my damn money is. And then I have to make some calls to confirm vendors and plans for our wedding, which is in 26 days.

Mr. Savant is headed to the West coast for a business trip tomorrow through Friday, and it will be nice to have some extended alone time. I say that now knowing that by Tuesday night I'll miss him terribly.

Now, I have to go to bed and try to get some sleep.

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