Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Let the Devil take the hindmost

What a day yesterday. Wrote a piece on Microsoft's intent to let Windows XP continue to live on, despite its planned retirement of the operating system this May.

Then I had a doctor's appointment to make sure my Zoloft is still doing its job.

I came home and fucked around on Facebook, walked the dog, and watched it piss down rain for the billionth day in a row. At 2, the dog went to the vet.

Dropped her off at home and headed out to Downingtown to pick up an area rug I found on Craigslist. I stupidly decided to drive Route 30 straight out the Main Line, which was charming and quaint and really, really fucking slow. Took me an hour and a half to get out there, and then I hit rush hour on the way back.

Cars, smog, honking, jackasses cutting off other jackasses, accidents, tolls ... this is why I am so incredibly pleased that I don't commute. I got my fill of driving in THAT for the next year or so.

Today's typical. I have two pieces slated to file for my biggest, steadiest client, a biz/tech mag based in New York. They're short pieces, one's on storage and data deduplication and the other's on a consumer backup appliance that's been retooled for the small business market. Cool.

Then I've got a kick-off call/interview for a profile piece I'm writing for a client (a popular online job search site), and another kick-off call later this afternoon with a couple executives from another client (a midsized networking firm.)

Also typical -- I'm slacking, procrastinating and am completely behind schedule. I'll be lucky if I get through my second story by 2 pm. The laundry's piling up, I haven't run the dishwasher in a couple days and I have to clean my office. Ugh.

See? Not glamourous at all.

Idiom of the day: Let the Devil take the hindmost

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