Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Time is Money

I haven't been here in a while. I was swamped with work, which was awesome. Then I was stricken with a 36-hour stomach virus, which was decidedly not awesome. And then I had to scramble through "catch-up" mode to get back to the place I was 3 weeks ago.

So. As I'm sure you've guessed, I've been writing. I've been going to my yoga classes regularly, and since spring has finally sprung here in Philly, Mr. Savant and I have been doing tons of yard work. Our 100-year-old house was getting overgrown. Though we are only the 4th owners, it seemed each previous resident decided to plant something completely invasive that grows at supersonic speed, is hideously ugly and also nearly impossible to get rid of.

We'll take as an example the English Ivy that seemed so charming and quaint when we bought the house, curling around the stone, adding a lush punch of green through fall and winter. But damn, that stuff grows quickly. Over trees, rocks, tools left absentmindedly in a garden 75 years ago (no, really. We found a 75 year old hammer.), over wood and into window screens ... it's incredible and terrifying.

Mr. Savant looked up the instructions for English Ivy removal, and found that we needed gloves, a couple rakes, loppers, clippers and ... a blowtorch.

Last year we removed a wisteria tree whose reach was so great I swore it was trying to move itself to the next block. This year our goal was to remove 100 years worth of ugly yew hedges, poison-ivy-covered lilac bushes and hellishly tangled forsythia from along the back property line. We broke two chainsaws, a set of hedge clippers, one rake, 3 fingernails, my right knee (okay, it was just a bad strain, but I couldn't straighten my leg for two days) and Mr. Savant's sanity.

Nestled in between the foliage in the Suburban Forest of No Return were old concrete window sills from an old sugar refinery -- at least that's what our neighbor tells us. He's lived next door to this house for 40+ years.

Today, I wrote two pieces, one on the potential impact of Oracle's bid to buy Sun Microsystems and a second piece on a study done by a networking security vendor. This security vendor is one of my favorites to work with. Their director of marketing is a fantastic guy, and I always enjoy talking to him. He's always punctual, he sends me background material and hooks me up with great secondary sources, if I need them. He's what a PR person should be. He also goes beyond the extra mile, and he'll often suggest story ideas to me that arent' necessarily related to 'pimping' his employer. This company does a lot of research studies with their reseller and partners communities and it's always fascinating to see what the results are.

So, here's to you, you Excellent Epitomes of Good PR Professionals. Hat tip.

When I got done, I installed solar lights on my deck, did some laundry, made dinner, and Mr. Savant ran a new Ethernet line downstairs to my new office. Oh, I didn't mention that, did I?

Mr. Savant and I previously shared an office on the second floor. However, we also have a sunroom off our our kitchen that has a half bath attached, great sunlight, access to the deck ... so I decided over the weekend to move my base of operations. Damn, is it awesome. I have a couch in here now, all my books, 4 giant windows with views of my yard, and my own bathroom. The only thing I didn't have was a consistent wireless signal. Mr. Savant saves the day.

Now, to bed. To sleep, perchance to dream, and then to wake, perchance to write. Tomorrow I'll work on two pieces for my biggest magazine client, and then I've scheduled interviews for two other clients' stories. And then tomorrow night -- yoga class.

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